Daily Archives: July 15, 2011

Introspection by Velvet Verbosity this week. Best wishes and good thoughts to her as she seeks her way through that particular fog. This week’s 100 Word challenge is SPLIT. What follows is my take on the word.


Cassi waved her red pen over the copy on her desk. Her glasses were perched at the bottom of her nose. Another pencil held her baby-fine blond hair in a twist. She chewed the inside of her cheek absentmindedly.

Sighing, she reached for her phone, punched in a number and waited for the extension to be answered.

“Not to split hairs, boss, but your editorial is riddled with typos. Again. Don’t you think as Editor-in-Chief you should know how to use apostrophes and commas?”

She tilted her head – listened: “the time is currently 4:35. The temperature is . . .”
