Daily Archives: July 30, 2011

Painting of Clio by Pierre Mignard
ca. 1612, Troyes, France


This week’s 100 Word Challenge is MYTH. Here’s my take on the challenge.


“You can call me Clio.”

James smiled. “Clio it is.”

They looked toward the stage joining applause for the next performer who was good – beyond good. They showed appreciation with staccato finger snaps.

“All right, folks. The judges are ready for our next poet. Here’s Clio!”

Whipping his face to the right, James caught a wink as she climbed the steps.

They call me Clio
I am Proclaimer
Seventh daughter of Zeus
You . . .

The crowd chanted “Clio, Clio, Clio” as she strode off.

James caught her up in a hug. “Myth or no myth, Clio, I’m glad we met tonight.”


I wanted to write of a strong woman and looked to mythology. Perhaps not strong in a traditional manner, Clio is known as the Proclaimer – the keeper of history. I’d like to think I’m a Clio at heart. I LOVE the idea of her being a slam poet shouting out her history.

btw – during poetry slams appreciation is shown by the snapping of fingers instead of applause.