Monthly Archives:July 2011

The 100 Word Challenge this week is given by guest poster Leisa Ladell. Her word is Resistance, and I resisted as long as I could, but finally Stanley Hanklesmann came to my aid and provided the next scene to his story.

Many thanks again to VV for this weekly challenge – and to the writers providing her a hiatus.

Stanley continued his morning walk. He bent, picked a dandelion holding it towards Millie sitting on her stoop near the end of the street.

“Do you like butter?” Stanley smiled and set the flower on the step below the timid child. “I will leave it for you. I hope you have a beautiful day.”

Millie flinched as he placed the flower near her. He could hear the man of the house grumbling over the sound of the TV to Millie’s mother in the darkened house.

Her resistance to men was understandable, but Stanley hoped to win her over with patience.