It’s my image – the one I see in the mirror – the one in the photographs. I recognize it from the hint of a smile followed by hearty laughter. I know it from the twinkle of eyes and gaps in teeth. I know it from snarky comments and knowing winks.

I see me multiplied in the camera’s lens as each daughter and grandchild can attest: all apple cheeks and blue-eyed blond images of me – my descendents – my blessings.

Trifecta’s challenge this week is IMAGE. I think every parent’s dream is that their children mimic them (in only the best ways, of course). The above picture is of my oldest daughter, my mini-me, and her three children, her mini-mes.

14 responses

  1. booguloo says:

    What a great way to show the word image, by an image.

  2. Lessa says:

    Not sure any of my kids can be called MINI-mes anymore. Damn, they need to stop growing already! *L*

    Lovely image. 🙂 apple cheeks and all. 😛

  3. Tara R. says:

    “You’re the spitting image of your mom!” Been there, heard that… LOVE the photo.

  4. C.B. says:

    You all look pretty happy!

  5. Love the image! This is a great way of working with the prompt.

  6. Carrie says:

    My kids are little mini me’s as well. They definitely take after me in the looks…and my husband in their argumentative prowess 🙂 they shall be lawyers, I think

    Good looking ones 😉

    Lovely tribute to your family

  7. pamelasayers says:

    I love the term “apple cheeks”, nice write here.


  8. Dana says:

    Beautiful!!! You inspire me and I aspire to be as cool as you! (Well, maybe with a little less snow but still, “cool like you.”) 😀

  9. geekiestgirl says:

    This made me smile. Reminded me of my mom. I should probably call her tomorrow. 🙂

  10. natalie says:

    Great reminder of what we leave genetically to our kids, all done in a few words.

  11. Beautiful image! (Sorry. Couldn’t resist) I love the bright orange jacket and everybody laughing.

  12. Trifecta says:

    If we were giving an award for the sweetest response, I think this would be it. Thank you for this reminder to cherish those hand-me-down genetics. People often refer to my daughter as Mini-Lisa. Sweet. Thanks for linking up, Barbara. Hope to see you back at the weekend.

  13. karen says:

    Very darling. Whilst I cannot see myself exactly in my children,

  14. karen says:

    Whoops! Whilst I cannot see myself exactly in my children, I can see my nieces and nephews there in charming details. As one of four children of two onlies who did not keep up with their extended families, this means more to me (and us) than one would imagine.

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