It worked!

The trap set up in the kitchen had been the brain-child of Jason. He and Molly had strung metal utensils across the doorway between kitchen and dining room. Metal pots and pans were hanging from the ceiling at different intervals and at different heights.

There was no escaping the cacophony that now rang through the hallways of the mansion.

The game was afoot!

Molly smiled back at Jason and they ran with child-like glee back towards the Maid’s quarters. Cursing followed closely behind them as Berta hit the soap suds mid-stride.

“You little hellions! I will blister your backsides when I catch you.”

Giggles erupted from the 9 year old twins nearly giving away their hiding place.

“Shhhhhh” they whisper-shouted to each other. “Don’t let Nanny find us.”

Silently the two crept out of their hiding spot, catching the eye of Berta as they did so.

“Come back here! For this you will go to bed without supper. Your Papa will hear of this when he returns from his business trip.”

Meekly the children came forward, accepted swats on their backsides and climbed the steps to their room. Berta didn’t notice the twinkle in their eyes as they obeyed, but she did hear their chattering as they settled in for the night.

Wearily she climbed into bed, jumping out almost immediately.

“Insects!!! You hellions have put insects in my bed!” Berta shook and patted and danced about her room while Jason and Molly shrieked with laughter from their beds.

“Papa will be angry,” Molly said.

“I know,” replied Jason. “But didn’t we have fun?”

Trifextra Week Eleven challenge: write between 33-333 words using (in order) the following three words: cacophany, soap, insects. I hope you enjoy Jason and Molly’s adventure.

9 responses

  1. Mel says:

    Those kids would get a swat from me, too if they put insects in my bed. Don’t mess with my sleep time! 😛

  2. I like your tale of Berta’s naughty little charges. I think I knew a kid or two like these. 🙂

  3. Cute little kids.
    Love the write up.

  4. Amanda says:

    This was a really fun read & vivid descriptions! I could really picture it all happening as I read along!

  5. jannatwrites says:

    These kids are funny….because they aren’t anywhere near me! Daddy’s not gonna be happy with them.

  6. booguloo says:

    I can see the twins bouncing off one another in their schemes.

  7. Jester Queen says:

    Makes me think of the scene in Sound of Music where they have NOT put spiders in Julie Andrews’ bed.

  8. Dana says:

    Oh, my, what hellions… I love this! This kinda reminds me of a cross between Mary Poppins and Home Alone movie scenes, LOL… oh, and the tales my daughter told me when she worked as a nanny for a family with adorably mischievous boy/girl twins. 😀

  9. Trifecta says:

    Thanks for linking up this weekend. We hope you can come back for the weekday challenge too. Remember to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for news on what’s happening on the site.

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