I took a trip on the wayback machine today . . . found one of my first blogs – and some not so great, very bad, icky, nasty poetry I had written and posted on Lessa’s then poetry collab. Okay, some of it was NOT so bad . . . but I flinched when I read some of the pieces. I’m sure I thought they were very good then.

Funny how our thoughts change with our lives, isn’t it? Mind you, this stuff is from 2001 and 2002. Lord only would HOPE I can write a bit better nowadays.

Of course, some of what I write these days is drivel, too.

The trick is . . . to keep on writing. Never mind what the critics say – whether bad or good – never mind what your own gut says (gosh, Moosie, this is GOOD stuff!) Just keep putting it out there. Hone the craft. Work the words – let the words work you. Re-read it and toss it aside to molder for a bit – then take it out and re-read it – aloud, if you please. Get a different day’s take on it.

Maybe, just maybe, we will each find that one glimmering diamond that we have hidden inside us. When we do – SHARE it with the world.

Write on, word nerds, write on.