“Sleeping like a baby.”

Seriously? Have you ever watched your child sleeping?

Our first baby was a dolly for me to cherish. Her daddy was wound tightly around her little finger – his back is kinked to this day.

We loved to watch her sleep – she’d start out squarely in the middle of the crib where we’d lay her. In no time she would scooch this way and that until her blond fringe was pressed into the corner of her crib.

Sweet slumber? Well, she WAS quieter when she slept. But she was never, ever still. I love that about her.
VV’s 100 word challenge this week is SLUMBER. These are my 100 – where are yours?

11 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    My daughter was the same way. There was no Family Bed, because even as a little kid, she could spread out over the whole thing.

  2. Kir says:

    HI !!! My first visit to your “home”…I like it, I’m staying!

    I always laugh when I hear the words “sleeping like a baby” , it’s such bullsh*t..isn’t it?? My children don’t sleep, they toss and turn and hit me and each other…but like you, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    I loved this!

  3. Debra says:

    I have 34 nephews and nieces. Oh my, grin. Growing up, there was one nephew that NO one would sleep with because it could be a king size bed and he would manage to cover every inch of it before awakening. Too funny! I love your header BTW! 🙂

  4. FKC says:

    Cute! I love babies. And I’m following you around, just a little.

  5. Jester Queen says:

    Yes! Our daughter is STILL a little fish in bed. My Mom’s nickname is ‘tuna’ for the way she flops all over the bed when she’s asleep. No new parent believes that ‘sleep like a baby’ is an accurate description.

  6. Debbie says:

    So sweet! You’ve captured a memory that I’m sure is fondly remembered the same for many. It is for me, and you are right! We’d have to have beds like giant cribs ’cause we’d fall out for sure!

  7. Your story reminds me of my little darling, too. I love the easy way this flowed and drew me in.

  8. I love the way you invite readers into your life like this. My son still is that “fish” kid. My daughter, however, is a lights-out kind of girl. Like a statue, all night long. She’s, hands down, my favorite family member to share a bed with.

  9. Christine says:

    Love your conversational style…written with warmth and truth!

  10. Kat says:

    So true! My boys would always end up squished in the bottom corner and were always MUCH quieter asleep.

  11. Oh sleeping babies. Mine are grown, but when they sleep I still see the babies they were.

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