Hubby moose called – I figured he had forgotten something at the store and wanted to let me know. Instead I heard a hushed voice “there’s a mama moose and twins eating dandies in the front yard.”

Oooooooh goodie! I grabbed the camera and went through the garage, opening the door very quietly. I could see hubby moose sitting in his rig in front of the neighbors house. He would wait to come into our driveway, not wanting to scare the babies off and make mama mad – thus allowing me plenty of time to shoot away.

I have a video posted on facebook for those who know how to find me there. It is too large to put here (silly word press) – so I’ll share a couple of pics. Such cute little redheads. Likely the same ones we spotted Sunday after church.

click for a slightly larger view

Couldn’t you just pick em up and hug em?

NO!!! Sillies! As cute as they are, they are WILDlife. We don’t mess with the wildlife. We take PICTURES, but we don’t mess with em. That can lead to disastrous situations. When I leave each morning for work I check to the right and left before exiting the garage. Many Alaskans have had to call their workplaces to say they were going to be late due to moose – or bear – in the driveway, or yard, or roadway. We have to wait until they are done doing whatever they’re doing to go about our merry way. And, trust me – these critters take their sweet time.
But, then, so do we. Remember, I live in Alaska – I make my own fun.

3 responses

  1. Susan says:

    SQUEEEE! They are just sooo cute, aren’t they?! Love those baby faces. 🙂

  2. Tara R. says:

    As much of an inconvenience it sounds like the magnificent creatures are…. that is so cool! Biggest animals around here are foxes and raccoons. Seriously cool.

  3. Rachael says:

    They are adorable! It seems like any inconvenience would be a fair trade for such close encounters with wildlife! Thank you for sharing with us.

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