The paperboy was my savior when I was about four years old. We lived on Punta Alley in the north end of Columbus, Ohio. An empty used car lot anchored one end and the railroad tracks anchored the other end of the street. A row of attached houses (nowadays called by the prettied-up name of four-plexes or condos) lined the south side and a brick wall lined the north side.

Back in those days kids played outside – a lot – especially when moms and dads were having “discussions”. You know the saying that “little pitchers have big ears”.

I did not have a puppy of my own, so I played with the ones in the alley. The day I was saved by the paperboy one of the puppies had cornered me and was attacking me, not allowing me to get back to my house. The paperboy came along at just the right time to ward off the attack with large rocks and pieces of bricks.

My mother came out about that time to see what the ruckus was all about. It was not until then that I realized my puppy was really a large rat. I had been in serious danger.

I received a few swats that night, but they were generously interspersed with grateful, teary hugs as well. The paperboy was rewarded with thanks and hugs, and likely a plate of cookies.

To this day I do not like rodents of any kind. (I didn’t care for the movie or the song Ben, either) I am also not a dog person. Funny how such things color our lives.

This week our trusty Trifecta twosome (miss you, David) have challenged us with the third definition of alley.

11 responses

  1. JannaT says:

    Oh my! The fact these rats were big enough to be mistaken for puppies makes shudder. Thank goodness the paper boy saved you. I can see why you wouldn’t like rodents now 🙂

  2. Sandra says:

    I’m so glad the paperboy came just in time! Large rats and four-year-olds do not go together, at all. *Shudder*

  3. k~ says:

    It is interesting to see where influences are created from. When any kind of animal turns on you, it can be a terrifying experience… the bigger the teeth, the scarier the moment.

  4. Great story, as usual! Rats the size of PUPPIES??? ICK! Makes the mice I’ve been writing about lately seem sort of lame…

  5. Oh, those carefree days are also days that are now called dangerous.
    It was a good thing that you were spared the likelihood of rabies. That paperboy was a real hero. 🙂


  6. Annabelle says:

    Oh! That’s horrible — rats should not get that large! I have to admit, I was wondering why there were puppies in the alley.

  7. El Guapo says:

    You should have an NYC subway rat to defend you. Those are the size of horses!
    Great tale! Love the way it flowed.

    On another note, any chance of a “follow by email” button so I can get an email when there’s a new post?

  8. Lucky you – with rats that big, it is good thing that you had a help nearby.

  9. Tara R. says:

    True story? Are you sure it wasn’t a chihuahua? Those are yapping, mean dogs. Glad you had a champion to fend off the rat attack. Ewww…

  10. brenda w says:

    Wow! This is a great story. I enjoyed the read, and the only live rats I’ve seen have been pets. I’d like to keep it that way. 🙂

  11. Trifecta says:

    Thanks for linking up with Trifecta this week. The idea of puppy-sized rats makes me shudder, too. Good thing your knight in shining armor appeared! Hope to see you back soon.

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