The saying goes: a bad day fishin’ is better than a good day workin’ – and yesterday was such a day. We took three of the boys fishing at a nearby lake. Great fun. Some pics are posted on fb, but I thought I would share some here as well, since not everyone is (gasp!) on fb. Click on the thumbnails for larger views.

The boy in blue stays with the grands during daytimes, when his dad is working. Izzy got the biggest catch, when he caught his ear while casting. Didn’t even break the skin and was properly ministered to by Gramps and me. He proceeded to catch the first fish – HIS first ever and was inordinately proud of himself. The other two boys also caught several, most of which went back into the lake. They each took home a fish, however, helping to feed the family.

We caught a bit of grief later from the two youngest girls, who were not at home when we picked up the boys, because they had not gotten to go. Gramps, properly abashed, will be setting aside time to take them in the coming week.

Such a beautiful day – we only left (after 4 hours or so) because it was getting too crowded to be slinging lines with hooks around. There were a lot of people splashing and swimming, and others boating or playing on other watercraft. Time to skeeeeedaddle.