Turn off your waterworks.
Ease up with the fireworks.
You are not dying.
It is only a scratch.
Stop crying, for heaven’s sake!
Mother’s hands raise – hover
Then come down with a hug.

Trifecta’s Week 34 challenge is to write 33-333 words using FIREWORKS in the third definition:
3: plural
a : display of temper or intense conflict
b : a spectacular display [the fireworks of autumn leaves]

My mother would always call my fits of temper “fireworks.” She sometimes raised her hands – sometimes brought them down in other displays than hugs, but not often.

14 responses

  1. I’ll probably use this speech before the week’s done. 🙂

  2. Mel says:

    I literally just had this conversation with Mags. She has a blister on her heel because she talked her Daddy into letting her wear her sneaks without socks. Then when she got in the pool, she screamed like someone was cutting her leg off. 🙂

    A hug from Mama and all was better. It’s an awesome power we have, huh? 🙂

  3. Annabelle says:

    Love how that ends. There’s nothing like Mom!

  4. Tara R. says:

    My dad’s favorite rebuke was ‘if you don’t stop crying, I’ll give you something to cry about.” I always had a reason, maybe not a good one, but a kid one. I like how yours end better too.

  5. semmie says:

    Hehehe. Very nice. 🙂

  6. JannaT says:

    This could have been written for my younger son. The slightest scratch brings out the most dramatic displays. I tend to ignore him now, but I do think the hug is nicer 🙂

  7. JannaT says:

    I should clarify, I peek to make sure he’s not seriously injured and then ignore the dramatic display!

  8. brenda w says:

    Ooo.. I like this one! Love the hug…great way to ease that frustration. Brava!

  9. Medicinal hugs from Mum. They always work. Lovely writing.

  10. karen says:

    I have been amazed by how simply a kiss and/or hug solve so many young child hurts. It was very different when I grew up … so it is quite a healing revelation.

  11. Jester Queen says:

    Oh you write my life. My daughter (autism) doesn’t experience pain quite right. Especially when she was younger, she’d wander up with some major injury as if all was well, but then she’d notice she was bleeding from a paper cut, and God could not quiet the racket. She broke her arm – not just a green stick fracture, but an all our horrible break. And she was lying in the ER very nearly in a state of shock (and only not in shock outright because of excellent doctors who realized what was going on) insisting NOT that she was in pain, but that her hand was freezing. It’s so alarming.

  12. I had this conversation a minimum of three times today. Oy. Thanks for always giving us a little slice of real life. Please come on back Friday for the new challenge.

  13. kgwaite says:

    I’m glad she chose the hug this time. Excellent piece.

  14. Christine says:

    Ha! I too had that conversation yesterday. And the day before. And, I’m pretty sure, the day before that.

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