A favorite lunch time spot is on the Bluff overlooking the mouth of the Kenai River where it flows into Cook Inlet. On sunny days it is pleasant despite the ever present wind coming across the water.

We have an added benefit right now with the subsistence fishery taking place. For a short time people are allowed to go to the beaches with 6 foot dip nets. They can scoop up a number of Kenai Red Salmon to feed their families for the winter. It is a resident only fishery. Resident meaning Alaska resident – so we are inundated with Anchorage this time each year the fishery is open.

I love sitting on the bluff watching the seagulls wheel and harangue the bald eagles. (not sure why the eagles allow it – they are much bigger.) An added benefit this time of the year is listening to the tourists asking questions about the fishery, the area, etc. And, listening to “locals” as they answer. It can be quite entertaining.

Some pictures from yesterday. Hubbymoose and one of the granddaughters (known to the family as The Pup) brought lunch to share with me. They had been working in our overgrown back yard and needed a break. I took advantage of the time to get away from my stuffy office for a bit of fresh air and Vitamin D.

Yeah, she’s 13 – all gangly arms and legs (and taller than her “shorty” Gramma). This is how she acts whenever the camera looks like it is pointing at her – quickly she goes into motion and then ducks – repeatedly.

Sometimes, however . . . .

I get ONE grand shot of her. A bit blurry, but you see above what I was contending with in order to get it.

And, this is what we saw from our lofty perch:

See why I love living here?

2 responses

  1. shelley1 says:

    I absolutely can see why you love living there. Between the beauty of the land (and water) and the beauty of your family (inside and out), what’s not to love?!

  2. Tara R. says:

    That is a grand view. Simply stunning.

    13 is such a fun age. Your granddaughter is lovely… what I can see of her.

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