Daily Archives: August 12, 2012

Streamers fluttered the day you arrived. You turned them on completing the class of 1980. We celebrated your life and laid you to rest under a war torn flag today. We’ll miss you.
The Trifextra Challenge is to
Give us 33 words (exactly) that tell us three different uses for one object. But don’t just tell us that a can opener can be used to 1) open cans, 2) open beer bottles and 3) break a window in case of a fire. Tell us a story.

Those sharp editors are so crafty – sharp like the knife in their quote (go and see). Not sure this lives up to the challenge, but it’s where my not-so-sharp mind landed. I chose strips of cloth as my object.

What about YOU????

When you overhear ignorance and bigotry what do you do? I am right there with you. I would be in the person’s face decrying that ignorant, intolerant bigotry . . . except . . .

Hubbymoose and I both work for non-profit agencies. We are not in the higher paid positions and so must be careful how we tread among the ignorant, intolerant bigots who live among us. You know the ones I mean – the ones who rant and rave at the top of their lungs in a restaurant full of people.

Our hooves are tied. Speak out – tick the wrong person off – and watch our agencies suffer the backwash. We are not concerned about our jobs, you see. We are more concerned that what we might say would cause problems for our agencies.