Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
A mote in the wind
An atom of rust
My thoughts turn
My eyes look

I long to be touched
But must do without
The priest intones
Prayers unheard
My heart beats on
I seek His true word

What is the touch
I seek from you
What is the word
I wait to hear

Ashes to ashes
I hear again
We all move
Straining backward

The priest reaches out
Pulling me in
I want out
But must go in
Ashed forehead
Solemn soul

My eyes turn
Seeking the One
Velvet Verbosity challenged us to write 100 words on DUST. I remember the smell of incense. I remember the grit of ashy foreheads. I remember longing for acceptance. I remember my unsolaced heart.

So glad to know the cross is empty and the man nailed on it lives in my heart. Together we look forward with no pulling back.

4 responses

  1. st says:

    I’ve always found that reassuring ashes to ashes dust to dust. Lovely play on those sacred words.

  2. Tara R. says:

    Very heartfelt and reassuring.

  3. Thank you for sharing that. Tender and sacred.

  4. deana says:

    This is beautiful!

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