Monthly Archives:June 2013

Three things about being a Gramma are a blessing.
The first is grandkids who love me. The second is grandkids who love me.
And the third is grandkids who love me.


The challenge from trifecta: This weekend we are asking you to play around with the following quote:

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.
–Henry James

I’m a bit rusty.

That’s okay. It’s just like riding a bike. You’ll get it back in no time.

I sure hope so. I need this in a bad way.

I’ll take it slow. This won’t hurt.

I used to be really good you know.

I’ll bet you were. Here’s the on switch.

Lydia smiled at the blinking cursor and blogged her first words: I’m a bit rusty.

mac_ivan / / CC BY

Just a bit of fun for trifecta this week. This is one week I am POSITIVE I won’t place . . . as I am one of the three guest judges. But, it was too fun to pass up.

My sistah-judges this week are Deana and Lessa. Do give them a lil love, too. And, then, go on over to trifecta and give us 33-333 words on RUSTY.

It was not my first time here. I’d been left at the altar before. Not once, mind you. TWO beaus had run before walking down to meet me and the priest. I wonder . . .

pareeerica / Love Photos / CC BY-NC-SA

for the Trifextra Wrtiting Challenge . . . 33 words inspired by third time’s the charm. These are mine. Where are yours?

And . . . be sure to check back for the next challenge Two other writers and I will be the judges for the week. Whoot!

I desire to be a human – to be fully present in the moment, in the person I am with. To be fully human much is required: a love for my fellow humans; a respect for our differences as much as we might be alike. I think of this often as I look at the world around me. As different as night is to day, sea to desert, all are more alike than we might seem. Without one we cannot be the other. It is required that I love above all. To be human I must love. I have much to learn.

This week VV challenged us with REQUIRED. I have been introspective of late, trying to be more aware of those around me and the part I play in their lives. It is an ongoing journey, replete with joys and missteps along the way. The above picture is of two of the smaller humans in my life, the two younger granddaughters.

Mama moose nurse babies in the middle of the road. Nearby farms have baby llamas and foals. My grands and I go to the beach.

Summertime Alaska is short, sweet, too soon gone.

The trifecta weekend challenge is on summer. We cram so much into Alaska’s short summers that it is hard to describe in just 33 words. So, I picked a few of my favorite things that I’ve gotten pics of so far. As always, click for larger versions