Daily Archives: June 24, 2013

I’m a bit rusty.

That’s okay. It’s just like riding a bike. You’ll get it back in no time.

I sure hope so. I need this in a bad way.

I’ll take it slow. This won’t hurt.

I used to be really good you know.

I’ll bet you were. Here’s the on switch.

Lydia smiled at the blinking cursor and blogged her first words: I’m a bit rusty.

mac_ivan / Foter.com / CC BY

Just a bit of fun for trifecta this week. This is one week I am POSITIVE I won’t place . . . as I am one of the three guest judges. But, it was too fun to pass up.

My sistah-judges this week are Deana and Lessa. Do give them a lil love, too. And, then, go on over to trifecta and give us 33-333 words on RUSTY.