Gladys, ‘member when NAPA was Dairy Queen?

Lawdie, Henry. I ‘member when it was trees.

I ‘member that, too. Mercy day, we’s gettin’ old.

S’okay, Henry. We’s gettin’ old together. That’s what counts.
Picture is from google images ( )

Hubbymoose and I actually had this conversation – well, something like it – just this morning. I pared ours down to a trifextra 33.

24 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    That is true, it’s all that counts.

  2. tedstrutz says:

    This is very sweet.

    And kind of funny, because my sister just told me this morning that where my great great grandparents had a ranch is now a Costco. That’s okay, because I’m a proud member of Costco and if I ever get there I’ll feel right at home. My grandmother took me there when I was a kid 60 years ago and there is a historical marker… it was called the 15 Mile House, as it was 15 miles out of Sacramento and the first stop of the Pony Express.

  3. Jo-Anne Teal says:

    Love the conversations you can only have with someone who knows you well. Nicely done, Barbara. :)))

  4. Cobbie's World says:

    When I was just a young lad in my tweens, dabbling in creative writing, I wrote the following:
    “One image sustains me
    As now I grow old;
    Me on a porch swing
    with your hand to hold.”
    When I was in my courting days, that was one of the silent criteria I had in my mind. My beloved had to be someone I could see myself growing old with. How lucky to be able to grow old, in Love! What a feel-good poem, Barbara. Thank you very much for writing it and brightening my day. 🙂

  5. that was cute. it’s crazy how things change so quickly over time, but those that you love and love you never waver.

  6. LaTonya says:

    This is the kind of intimacy we’re building. Thank you.

  7. Kallan Annie says:

    That’s lovely.

  8. Rois says:

    Love the conversation, adorable. 🙂

  9. Trez says:

    I reckon I can relate to this. Well played my friend.

  10. That’s what counts! Aw

  11. Tina says:

    So sweet, romantic, and lovely! I could see those two sitting on a front porch somewhere.

  12. Valerie says:

    I love this! What you’ve written her is so true:)

  13. Shawn Bruce says:

    sweet and compelling. your pic choice was spot on!

  14. Suzanne says:

    Lovely! And such a wonderful job with the dialogue.

  15. oh my goodness, so incredibly lovely and sweet. beautiful picture.

  16. Lumdog says:

    I picture this loving scene so well with your perfect dialogue. More important, I love the idea that you relish getting old together. While many couples stay together, I’m not sure there are that many that are happy.

  17. Debbie says:

    I love the way you write dialog. You get dialect and your dialect/dialog always convey relationships so good. This is sweet, sentimental and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. <3

  18. Christine says:

    Great voices, both of them!

  19. OldDogNewTits says:

    I like this one a lot. It’s hopeful. I like hopeful. Thanks, Barbara.

  20. Wow.. love the dialect. the dialogue.. a lot packed in 33 words

  21. Kir says:

    this was WONDERFUL and like ODNT said, HOPEFUL.

    I love thinking about an older couple celebrating their age, their memories, their past within their present. That’s LOVE.

    Wow, Barbara, I loved this.

  22. Ha! I’m getting old enough to play those games! Not funny.

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