
It used to be – once upon a very long time ago – that people blogged on a daily (sometimes, it seemed, hourly) basis. That was before the so called social media frenzy began. There were Mommy blogs, artistic (Digital Diva, anyone?) blogs, chatty gramma-type blogs such as my own.

We made friends by linking back and forth – chatting in bulletin board type systems – emails – even a phone call or twenty. I discovered a lot of kindred spirits out there.

My imaginary friends, hubbymoose calls them. You don’t know if they are real, he would say. I, trusting my instincts, would shake my head and say “I know.” And, I really did know. Since the beginning of my first blog Eclectic Gramma to today’s version of The PurpleMoose Gazette I have gotten to know and, yes, love several very cool people.

Tonight – when I should be thinking about going to bed, or actually should have been in bed long before this – I started clicking through my links. Sooooooo many have not written for sooooooo long. It makes me sad and it makes me wonder. Where are you, my friends? Are you locked into the FB world? Are you tweeting or some other form of publishing? Why did you leave me?

Okay, that last one is nonsense. You didn’t leave ME – you may have let your blogs slide into semi-oblivion, but that is because your lives have changed. I hope they have changed for the better.

My life is certainly changed in many ways since I came to this space. Pretty much all for the good. 🙂 Any bad – well, I won’t bore you. It’s all confessor type stuff anyway.

You probably noticed my writing here has changed over the past few years as I flexed my noggin and stretched into the writerly world – taking part in poetry challenges and 100 word challenges and trifecta challenges. That might be confusing to those who were used to my gramma style writing.

I trust you are all well. That is my hope for all who have touched my life in some way – that you are all well. If you do stumble here and want to find me – I’m on FB myself – Barbara Purple Moose.