Daily Archives: December 25, 2014

footsteps (800x524)

Merry Christmas to all near and far. Remembering Whose birthday we celebrate today. Thankful to know His as my Savior.

Busy Christmas Eve . . . cooking, eating, family (see, commas ARE important!), food*, fun, and frivolity. Who could ask for more?

Whovian gifts (and one Elsa) knitted or crocheted and gifted.

Kids who tried to make mama cry with a special family gift.(sniffff)

New friends met – old friend reacquainted.

Late morning sleep in (hubby still abed at 8:30!) and another day dawns (well, not yet – this IS Alaska!) with a fresh coating of snow. Yes! We, indeed, got our White Christmas wish!

My wish for all of you is a day filled with family and joy, followed by a dawning new year filled with promise. My love to you all.

*By the way, I am no longer the baker, candy maker I used to be. One project over done (but acceptable) while another never set up and will likely find its way to the garbage – or meet spoons. lol. Think I will leave it to the pros from now on.