Purple Meese . . .

Googled myself the other day – well, not me by name, me by blog name: PurpleMoose. Yep, I do that every once in awhile. Interesting the things you can find.

f’r instance . . . I always run across a saloon over on the other side of the US – plan to look them up sometime if I ever get to Maryland.

Now I see there is a pre-school, an espresso place, and a design place. But even more interesting is that there is another blogger who calls herself Purple Moose.

At first I kind of went . . . what? Hey! That’s MY name! I’ve had it for a long, long time. And, then I thought about it and decided that I don’t hold ownership of that name – or even of my own “in real life” name for that matter.

There is ONE who has ownership of my life, of my soul. He has known me since before I was born. He formed me in my mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5 – see also Psalm 139:13 – especially cool for knitters, that last one).

And so I welcome the whole moose family. Nice to meet you and yours. Come on in – we can share the browse.

3 responses

  1. Terri Sontra says:

    Hello fellow Purple Mooser! Like you, I thought I was so clever and original when I came up with my business name. Who else would think of a purple moose? Then along came the saloon, the brewery and all the others that you mentioned. Upon hearing of another one I would feel the same twinges of ownership that you mentioned. In the grand scheme of things though, there are only a couple handfuls of Purple Mooses running wild in the world so I guess we are still a rare breed! You and I are the oldest, I think.

    Anyhoo, glad to meet another Purple Moose,
    Terri Sontra
    Purple Moose Designs
    (the quilting Moose!)

  2. barbara says:

    Nice to meet you, Terri. >..<

  3. purple moose says:

    Thanks for your kind welcome, Sister!

    (Hey, that has a nice ring to it: the sisterhood of the purple moose. . . )

    I’ve seen the espresso stand, btw. And Im shocked that i showed up on google!

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