The local emergency responders, CERT teams, and Civil Air Patrol are holding a mass immunization exercise today. The scenario is a bioterrorism threat with resultant immunizations needed by the entire community.

Two locations have been set up with a goal of seeing 500 people (between the two locations) going through an hour.

The pull? Free flu shots.

I was there bright and early this morning and was able to make it through all five stations (greeting, check-in, immunization, checkout, survey) in right around 5 minutes. Everyone had big smiles on their faces – broadened by my own quirky sense of humor, of course. 😮

Our receptionist went by about an hour or so later and discovered there was no way to get into the parking lot – so that is a good thing – that they are busy, not that she couldn’t get into the parking lot.

People are encouraged to go through the exercise even if they don’t want a flu shot. The big push is to see how many people they can accommodate in the 6 hours or so the exercise is going on.

I’ll show you my special bandaid later.
