“Mama, I only want red shoes. Someday when my feet are fixed will you buy some, please?”

Her mother nodded her head. “I promise, Nancy. You will have your red shoes, my daughter.”

The weekend challenge from Trifecta is retelling our favorite story in 33 words only. I read Red Shoes for Nancy by Marguerite Hamilton over and over when I was about 12 years old. The tale of a little girl who only wanted a pair of red shoes resonated with me. I would dearly love to have a copy of the book, but cannot afford the ones I have found for sale. Instead I will remember it in my heart.

5 responses

  1. Aww. I really, really want you to have a copy of that book. I looked around a little for you but the “best” price I saw was $200 on Amazon, which I imagine is still a little steep. I checked eBay, too, and didn’t see it … but you might want to check there occasionally. You never know! 🙂

  2. FKC says:

    I love this for making me remember my favorite childhood book and my search for a copy for HB. Stupidly expensive. Makes you kick yourself for no one having saved them for you. Hubby thinks I am nuts,but I have started a carton or two of HB’s stuff that he will want when he is grown up.

  3. Christine says:

    I had completely forgotten this book! What a great memory to bring up.

  4. Trifecta says:

    Thanks so much for linking up with Trifextra this weekend. I, too, wish I could buy you the book. $200. . .hmmm. . .scratches head.

    Hope you’ll come back on Monday for our 33rd Challenge Celebration!

  5. SAM says:

    I haven’t read this, but I need to. It sounds like an engaging and heartwarming tale.

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