Not only is it Mother’s Day . . . but today Hubbymoose and I celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. I know . . . who KNEW it would last so long, eh? Certainly not the starry eyed (smirking) couple you see in this picture. That was actually taken after we began dating – we were only 16 at the time. A LOT of water(s) has gone under the bridge since then.


Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who might stop by here today. I trust your daughters and sons gave you kisses and love and lots of hugs.

I am blessed to have two daughters, both of whom love me – and both of whom are gorgeous moms themselves. Happy Mother’s Day, Ladybug and Lessa!!!! Thank you both for making me a mom. I especially thank you both for making me a Gramma.

And, to Hubbymoose . . . cheers! Happy Anniversary.