Okay, gentle readers — fair warning. This week the editors at Trifecta challenged us with a word that might offend your sensibilities. If that is so, please do not read further. If you choose to read beyond the cut and are then offended . . . well, as they say, you were warned.
Category Archive:Moosin Around
Sign said

I said what are you thinking?
Silly high school kids!
Why, yes, I DO live in a state of denial. Local high school has this on their sign and I am not quite ready for the “s” word to start happening. I somehow missed summer and already the chill (downright cold) is in the air. Sigh. For Haiku Friday with Lou.

btw – I pre-wrote this post for Lou’s Friday Haiku . . . then hubbymoose and I went out for the evening . . . and guess what it did??? Yes, indeedy. Of course, it being October and all, it has since melted and I have slid happily back into my favorite state. I may have to come back and edit this again . . . we shall see. Sigh.
No, not the halloweenie type BOO! – CARIBOU! At the top of the hill coming out of Soldotna heading for Kenai this afternoon. Took the shots through my snow splattered windshield because I didn’t want to spook the trio by pulling up alongside of them. Traffic was bad enough. So, I shot through the windshield and then had to adjust a bit. The color is off – but not a whole lot due to the white, wet stuff that was falling. Anyway – it’ll give you a taste of some more ‘laskan wildlife (other than the occasional purple moose). Click for larger versions.
September 19, 1978 Hubbymoose, 8 year old Lessa, 3 year old Dragonfly, and I pulled up roots in Ohio and settled into our new life in Kenai, Alaska. Today we have been here 34 years and our roots have settled deep. Added to the family over the years were 3 sons-in-law and 8 grandbabies. We have seen love and loss and friendships and grief here in this Great Land.
We’ve been
– small business owners
– have run for local office
– been bench sitters for both daughters and their progeny
– volunteers for different projects
– motorcyclists and
– Lions
We’ve grown both inwardly and outwardly.
We are where we’re supposed to be.
This is NOT an entry to any of the prompts I usually post to . . . this is me being personal and thankful. I’m proud to be an Alaskan and I’m thankful she has adopted me into her family.
Marti adjusted her mic, turned on her brightest smile and faced her audience.
Welcome to Spice Girls demo kitchen. Today I plan to show you how a well-stocked cupboard can enhance your kitchen. Yes, you have the basics – salt, pepper, garlic – but when is the last time you went through your cupboards and checked expiration dates?
Marti’s eyes swept the crowd finding her shill.
Ma’am? How old is the cinnamon in your cupboard?
I really don’t know. I think I’ve had it since we bought our house 10 years ago.
Heads nodded in agreement and Marti knew she had them.
VV’s challenge this week is Cinnamon. I hope you will check out her entry about that day.