Category Archive:trifecta

times two. It has been awhile since I’ve had a full day off (Sunday the 23rd, in fact). I work in an agency as . . . well, I wear several hats. Under one of those hats I get to go into the community to make appropriate presentations. Last Saturday I got to speak with a group of “roller girls” before their bout. Sunday I visited a church in the neighboring town to talk with some of their folks.

Monday began our weeklong workshop – you guessed it – I’m the facilitator and play a major part in it. Add to that we are starting a new reporting quarter, which means that I have quarterly and monthly reports to prepare for the previous quarter – preferably by today. heh

The boss will be gone most of the next two weeks which leaves me minimally in charge.

Sometimes I just take on too much. What to do with myself???? (especially since I preach good self-care to those who come to this workshop?)

Breathe in – breathe out – accept the loving prayers of friends – smile at the world – put one step in front of the other. . .

and leave early today . . . head to Homer . . . go on retreat until Sunday. What a blessing in timing that I will get to spend time with loved sisters in one of southcentral Alaska’s prettiest places. I am greatly looking forward to it.

There will be no posting for Trifecta, or 100 Words, or maybe even 100 Word Song. You will understand, I’m sure. This is just me – being open – sharing – and going.

See you soon.

“What was that? Who’s there?”

The girls clutched at each other in fear. Being there was against the rules and every creak and whisper set their hearts a-flutter.

“You go first . . .”

“No, you . . .”

They jostled in the doorway, but stopped suddenly.

“What are you girls up to?”

They knew that voice – Mother Angelica had caught them sneaking through the convent. There’d be trouble now for sure.
The Trifextra challenge this week was to take a previously published 33 word submission and build on it by adding another 33. The above is from my July 28th entry YA Mystery. While this is not exactly where I had thought to take the original 33 words, it is a tale close to my heart. And THAT is a whole ‘nother story.

I am one of three in me:
wife, mother, Gramma
At any given moment I can be one
or all three
Depends on the day
depends on the company
I revel in each

Click for larger views: pic 1 is of hubbymoose and myself with our Moms on that special day. Second row of pics: daughters, son-in-law and grands last Christmas; me with each set of grands, Christmas before last. Yes, I am the shorty in the group. (sigh)
Trifextra Challenge #34: mirror Neil Gaiman’s Fragile Things in 33 words only. Weirdly enough I woke this morning (without having seen the challenge) thinking of myself in this triplet.

The perfect Three – Father, Son, Spirit
shining brightly in her soul
together, molding her broken heart
into a perfect whole
her own mind, body, spirit
obedient to the Father’s will
now being done

This week’s Trifextra challenge is to write 33 words using the Rule of Three somewhere among them. It will be community judges – so if you’re reading and you like, please head on over and click my link. (as soon as the voting boxes show up, of course.)

The last strains of sunlight lingered in the corners, grasping every available point of refraction. She slid her fingertips along the glass wondering if this was all there ever was. Or could be.

She was 3 when she’d come to this house: too small to be noticed. Easy to ignore. The years since had been lackluster, joyless. Susan sighed. Today was her 16th birthday. Nobody remembered.
Trifecta’s weekend challenge was to add 33 words to the judges’ proffered 33 words . . . moving the story along. The italicised words are Trifecta’s.