Category Archive:trifecta

His mama would have enjoyed opening her baby shower presents and having cake with all of us, but he had other ideas.

Master G.K. could wait no longer to arrive.

Happy birthday, nephew!
July 20, 1969: Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon and my nephew leapt out of his mama’s womb. Both were “earth” shaking events. Today he is a police captain in Texas.
This weekend Trifecta’s editors honor the first steps of Neil Armstrong and asked us to write of some monumental leap. I’ve been talking all day about my nephew’s birth. What a great way to honor him while remembering that great day for “all mankind.”

And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning —the third day. (Genesis)


Days one and two weren’t so bad. Hubbymoose and I just were beginning to shake off the shock of having some of his relatives show up on our doorstep – unannounced – from Georgia. You know that we live in Alaska, right? They had driven non-stop from Atlanta to Kenai, Alaska.

That is a distance of 4558 miles. Amazingly it took them less than a week to travel that distance. Their pictures were hilarious; taken through the windshield from the moving vehicle.

We enjoyed visiting with them, introducing them to our now grown daughters and the grandchildren.

Then they got restless. Along about the third day. You know – one of the days God said was good? Yeah, that day.

Hubbymoose and I owned a small print shop. It was important that we both be there to accomplish the day’s chores. We could not always be available to our tourists. We gave them directions and drew maps and sent them on their way.

However, we came home at dinner time to find them sullen about having been left to their own devices. A change of plans was called for; we notified customers of a delay in delivery of their printed forms and planned to take our tourists on a day trip. They would drive their truck (complete with mattress and provisions in the covered bed) and we would ride our motorcycles. (At least we could have fresh air, right?)

God smiled. He chuckled. He laughed out loud.

And then He sent the deluge. We encountered rain of the likes we had not seen all that summer.

We made a quick turn into a campground, geared up in rainsuits, regrouped with the kin, and headed on to Seward. They were snug in their truck and we? We were riding free.

We live in Alaska. We make our own fun.

We looked forward to the 4th day.
One of Trifecta’s editors is visiting family this week. She reminds us all that, like fish, guests smell a bit after three days. The above story is(mostly) true.

Turn off your waterworks.
Ease up with the fireworks.
You are not dying.
It is only a scratch.
Stop crying, for heaven’s sake!
Mother’s hands raise – hover
Then come down with a hug.

Trifecta’s Week 34 challenge is to write 33-333 words using FIREWORKS in the third definition:
3: plural
a : display of temper or intense conflict
b : a spectacular display [the fireworks of autumn leaves]

My mother would always call my fits of temper “fireworks.” She sometimes raised her hands – sometimes brought them down in other displays than hugs, but not often.

I knew this would be forever. It could last like it had never lasted before. If the world around me crumbled – if the stars tumbled from the sky – YOU. Always and forever, you.

Prompt 3 of week 33 by Trifecta: to write 33-333 words using The Smashing Pumpkins – Thirty-three.

One, two. Here’s a Kiss for you
Three, four. Take one more
Five six. We’ll share a Twix
Seven, eight. Our first date
Nine, ten. What was the score, again?
Who cares? SMOOCH!


Prompt Two:Write a 33-333 word response using the third definition of the following word:

score (noun)
1 a : twenty
b : a group of 20 things
2 a : a line (as a scratch or incision) made with or as if with a sharp instrument
b (1) : a mark used as a starting point or goal
(2) : a mark used for keeping account
3 a : an account or reckoning originally kept by making marks on a tally
b : amount due : indebtedness

Please note that we need you to use the singular, noun form of the word. Also, the word score must appear in your response.