She flapped her arms as the cloud of insects swarmed over her head. “Miserable beasts!”
Derek hid a smile. This was the first crack in Katherine’s armor he’d ever seen.
Surprisingly, fishing had been her idea. He was country; loved to fish and hunt. Katherine had grown up in a more urban setting; loved frou-frou things like mani-pedis.
When she suggested they head to the Russian River to fish he simply said, “I’ll get the gear ready. Pack a lunch will you?â€
Mosquitoes outnumbered salmon as they packed to leave.
“Can we come back sometime?”
“For you, my Katie love, anything!”
The fish are in, the fish are in, the fish are in! Craziness has settled onto “the Kenai” because the fish are in.
This post is written in response to TWO prompts . . . aren’t I just the adventurous one???? The trifecta editors asked for CRACK and Velvet Verbosity asked for FLAPPED.
Thank you to the editors at trifecta who chose my 3 Little Words as the top finisher. It is my first FIRST place! I am honored.
And, just for VV whose McShirty has just undergone hip surgery, and who wanted a margarita emailed . . . I hope this will help: