Category Archive:Velvet Verbosity

The car parked at the end of the street was just like any other car at the end of any other street. Except . . . this was Kristy’s street – and it was HIS car.

Slamming the screen door Kristie strode to the driver’s window – reached out – tapped – HARD.

“Dang it, Austin! Get off my street! I don’t want you here. Get on – get out!

The window lowered. “You’ve got the wrong car, girlie. I ain’t Austin. But I’d be happy to get to know you, if you know what I mean.”

Kristie’s face contorted with pain. The screen door slammed behind her.

VV’s 100 word challenge this week is CONTORTED.

Mama, we’s bein’ good. We ain’t misbehavin’ at all.

She smiled at her trio of flour-faced, chocolate-covered miscreants and began to mop up.

Triplets! Sue had been blessed with three after having lost so many. They were a joy, but some days she was just so tired for the caring of them.

Her own mama visited her often. She would take Sue gently in her arms and whisper, “but for God’s great love you would not have these three. Rejoice in your tiredness and keep on giving them love.”

“Looks like cookies,” Sue laughed. “Let’s bake a batch for Daddy.”

This is for VV’s challenge MISBEHAVIN’. I did not have any multiple births, but have always had a group of kidlets around me. I have felt Sue’s tiredness. My hat is off to families with multiples. Let’s make cookies!

nettsu / Food Photos / CC BY-NC-ND

I was seven or eight. Remembering which rent house we lived in helps put a date on it.

It had been an up and down day. Daddy had been drinking – again – out of work – again – my sister and I were quarreling – again. He’d had enough. Sent us to bed. We fussed. He heard.

Mom came to us. Whispered. “He wants me to spank you. You’re just little girls. I won’t spank you. You must be brave and cry when I tell you to.” Then, as she lovingly tucked us into bed she slapped her own bare legs. “Cry now, girls.”
The 100 Word Challenge this week is TUCK. This is written in honor of my mother who suffered unthinkable things at the hands of my father. She protected my younger sister and me many times. This is a true story. My mother was a survivor. I wish I could tell her how much that night meant to me, even though I did not understand it at the time.

Bodies glisten. Oiled, tanned, sleek bodies intermingle with sweat-dripping, not so sleek bodies. Hard bodies and those striving to become hard(er) bodies work side by side. A night at the gym takes precedence over another night at the movies – the bar – the couch.

After the first tremulous days of being in a new place, doing new things, and bending my body into unaccustomed shapes I’ve become one with the gym.

It’s not been an easy 7 months, but it has been fruitful. 40 pounds gone away – for good. Many more pounds must follow. Each day a new day towards life.

VV’s 100 Word challenge this week is SHAKE. The above is a true story. I have many more pounds to go before I am sleek . . . but it is getting closer.

Velma Jones sipped her tea next to her window. Jamie seemed closer somehow after missing him so much yesterday.

An aide entered and Velma smiled in her direction. Her once bright blue eyes, now milky with age, could only see the worker’s shape vaguely. All of the aides were “Missie-girl” to Velma.

“‘Morning, Miz Jones. How’re you doing today? Shall I close the winder for ya?”

Nah, Missie-girl. I’s fine. I’s lissenin to them noisemakers out there. Must be a storm a-comin, they are that noisy. Jamie and I allus loved to walk in the rain. Jus lissen to em!


Here are another 100 words to complement last week’s 100 word challenge. Widder Jones has a first name!
VV’s 100 Word Challenge this week is MILKY.