I’ve missed getting shots of a couple of funny tags – but do have these for you. Love getting behind them at traffic lights – hate when I can’t get to the camera fast enough.

be honest, now . . . who among us is NOT singing “baby you’re dah 1!” ??

and then . . . . there is the neighborhood

’nuff said. :0

If you can spare a kind thought . . . had to take hubbymoose to the emergency room Monday – when he was getting ready for bed he found a diabetic ulcer between two toes. Too late for a regular doc so off to the Emergency Dept. in the next town’s hospital.

Made it to bed about 1 the next morning. We have been going to the wound clinic this week for treatment and I am also changing dressings in between times.

We’ve seen a prosthetics guy – for a consultation on diabetic shoes – but he wants hubby to see an ortho doc first. Thinks he might have a Charcot’s Foot thing going on which may require surgical intervention at some point – or at least follow-up.

In the meantime, hubby is to stay off the foot as much as possible . . . which means, of course, no work. No work=no pay and possible loss of job since he is still on probation at the store. Sigh!

All thoughts and prayers greatly appreciated.

4 responses

  1. Jill says:

    Sending not just prayers but love.

  2. Thoughts and prayers are with your and Mr. Purplemoose. I need to go get a lottery ticket so I can win and help fix everybody’s everything! I hope his foot gets better fast & his employer is understanding! Fingers crossed.

  3. Linda says:

    Will keep you and Art in my thoughts.

  4. […] foot and leg – a special boot will be manufactured to help heal/get ahead of the Charcot’s Foot problem I talked about earlier. I will put pictures up in the next post of that […]

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