Daily Archives: July 3, 2010

Awhile back I took part in a dream of Ms. Shelly Tucker’s . . . to give 140 children attending a special camp an afghan of their very own. Squares by the hundreds were crocheted by people from all over (both inside and outside of the country) and then pieced together to make beautiful granny-type afghans. Each square held a tag from the person who made it so the kids could see how much love went into it. (see the photo for one of the afghans I pieced together.)

The afghans were a BIG hit.

Ms. Shelly is at it again: Share a Square 2010 has begun with a goal of 150 completed afghans to be delivered to Camp Sanguinity in summer 2011.

There have been a few changes from the last time, but basically you just crochet (no knitted squares this time) a 6 inch by 6 inch square, attach a laminated tag telling a bit about yourself, then send it on to Shelly. You can read all about it at the website.

I hope you will open up your hearts – and your yarn baskets – and take part in this project. If you cannot crochet, maybe you can ask a fried to make some . . . or talk about the project on your blog.

Thanks, friends.