Daily Archives: July 5, 2010

I mean . . . what would YOU do if you saw someone wearing a top hat riding a bicycle through town? Yeah, me, too . . . I followed in order to take pictures.

Small town living at its best:

We followed him into the Wal-mart parking lot and watched as he got off his bike – he began hobbling and complaining about his knees. Hubby said “stop, I want to make sure he’s okay.” They had a nice conversation and hubby learned that he’s had bad knees since birth – had been lazing all weekend and decided to get out and get some exercise.

We left him smiling – albeit rubbing his knees – and listening to his tunes. Hubby gave him his phone number . . . just in case . . . and our day began on a pretty high note.

Yes he knew I was taking pictures.