Happy Second Birthday Zaiah!

love from Nani



3 responses

  1. Lisa says:

    Gah! Life has been sooo busy and I didnt make it over here yesterday for the birthday boy but I’m making time this morning!! I remember waiting for him and being so excited for ya’ll. Can’t believe it’s been two years ago. Happy belated birthdy from Iowa!

    …now off to run on that blasted treadmill.

  2. mary lou says:

    He is TWO already??/ But he was just BORN yesterday!!

  3. Ladybug says:

    Mary Lou I feel the exact same way. Can you believe that I am getting this old. WOW! thye all grow and they change and you are left standing in the wake of thier life. all the suddon it hits you, My baby isn’t a baby anymore.

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