I think life is starting to catch up with me – I am tired! But it has been lovely to see babies and their birthdays – and oldest daughter just turned a?bit older, too. Mr. Moosie and I took her out for a birthday dinner – all by herself – no kiddos – complete with margarita and sombrero and Happy Birthday dear Pancha. 😉

Now we are continuing the mad birthday rush . . . youngest daughter will celebrate hers on the 26th. Do you think we have enough birthdays in February? I think so, too. You’ll notice, mine is in January! and the Boy’s date is in March.

In fact, he will celebrate his birthday while we are in Washington, D.C. Yup, Nana Moosie has a bit of something up her sleeve!

Have had a new “other duties to be assigned” duty added to my list at work. Will be in Anchorage for a three day training next week. Come back home on Thursday (flying up and back on their ticket!) and have Friday to do last minute laundry and packing. Lessa, the Boy and I will drive back up to Anchorage on Saturday morning, spend the night, and he and I will meet his teacher and group at the airport Sunday morning bright and early.

We’ll have a whirlwind trip, hosted by World Strides. And, it looks like we will get to see a professional basketball game while there – Wizards vs Celtics! However, we are flying Northwest, so they had best settle down and fly straight. 😉 I’m glad I bought the travel insurance when I hear all this talk of bankruptcy and informational picketing!

So, here’s a bit of a riddle for you. What are two of the best places in which to fall if you want good care afterwards? Sure – a hospital or your chiropractor’s office. Friday it was the latter. Their parking lot was full, so I went down the hill to park in the back “employee”?lot. There has been a lot of melting and such around here lately. There was a very large icy “runoff” area. I sidestepped to avoid it, stepped onto snow and discovered that it was slick – new snow on icy run-off don’t make a good mix! Down I went – onto my right elbow mostly. At least that is what is bruised.

The worst part? I wasn’t able to get back up! Couldn’t get my feet under me. So I had to crawl – yes, you read that right – CRAWL backwards to a spot that had slushy snow and I could get purchase with hands and feet and get vertical again. How embarassing! Have no clue why the folks in the next building didn’t call out or rush out to inquire if I was okay – or SOMETHING! But, nooooooooooooooooooooo! Imagine my shock if I see this lovely bit of aerial dynamics displayed in the future on World’s Funniest Videos!

But, at least I wasn’t scored.




Like last night’s ice dancers.






one responses

  1. dan says:

    Good grief! You need a jacuzzi, Moosie!

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