mish-mashed! That’s a great way to put it.
We have just had two days worth of in-depth training. Wow! So much information in such short time. All for the benefits of the people we work with – and great info for ourselves, too.
So, I’m toast. But, hey! The sun is shining – and we are having more and more possible sunlight hours each day. So that’s all good, right? Right.
And, the temps . . .? working their way up. We are still in freeze-thaw, freeze-thaw, and the lake at the end of the road was down quite a bit today, which means the frost in the ground had thawed enough for the water to break through. Yay!
We are at the muddy time of the year – some folks call it spring, but I’m not so sure I go that far. I grew up in Ohio – spring comes in March there – with green grass – and flowers!!!! And, days that are almost H.O.T!
We should be at that stage by late April maybe. Although, these 30-35 degree days are pretty darned nice, I’ll tell ya.
Saw motorcycles out today – all this week, actually. Yes, I’m jealous. A whole lot more melting on MY street needs to be done before I can get out of my driveway. Sadly, there has already been a motorcyclist’s death this year. Amazing! Youth, inexperience, and speed. The dreadful three. It would have only been worse if alcohol had been thrown into the mix. As it is, a 22 year old kid is gone and a family is mourning. So sad – and so unneccesary.
But, enough about that.
I will spend tomorrow at the Job Fair telling people about our agency. We don’t have any job openings currently. One closed today. There may be another soon, but for now, I can’t tell anyone of openings. So, I will sit at a table, smile, and make nice with those who pass by. I will share my knowledge of the agency and I will be a face on the solution to the problem we deal with on a daily basis.
There is a 4 hour training for our other life-business Saturday – and then, maybe I can rest. Hahahahahaha
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
p.s. here's our girlie in motion.
Auntie Lessa tells more about HER day of taking the ladybug to soccer practice. At first I thought, well the little turkey! She did a lot more for auntie than she did for me. But I finished reading and realized that she was just her little princessy self with auntie just like she was with me. hahahahahaha?