. . . outside my window is all pinky tonight. I missed the sunset, but I have a feeling it must have been a nice one. There is this pink hue/aura over the neighborhood.

?I have the window next to me cracked open a bit – just a little bit because there is a breeze and it has a bite to it. Temps have been in the mid 40s this week – down from the 50s last week. The people I walk with on Tuesdays and Thursdays told me this morning that they plan to walk in the gym probably through the end of May because of the temps. Shoot! I was figuring on getting outside next week. May do so anyway. Nothing to say I can’t, huh?

Brisk walking – brisk, I tell ya. Just as long as the white stuff/SNAIN stays away.

It was anything but cool tonight as I stood before a group of 19 people giving a power point presentation. I had asked hubby to turn off the heat because it was sending me over the edge. He complained the rest of the evening about being chilly, but doggone it, I was H.O.T.! Oh, and the temperature bothered me, too.


Lessa surprised us at the end of the presentation by bringing in a cake. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Yum. Thanks, kiddo.

Well, guess I should get off here, brush my teeth and get off to bed. 5 a.m. comes alwfully early in the morning.


one responses

  1. Ladybug says:

    I have to do it now because we will be out of town. HAPPY ANNIVERSERY TO YOU!…. I love you both. MUAH!

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