They’re not just for breakfast anymore . . .

Extreme stress at work – it would really help if I could get to my office at LEAST one day a week to work on the stuff I am actually paid to do. Still no receptionist so I am stuck. I don’t really mind it on most days.

Last week was a bit different and by Thursday I was fraying at the edges. There was a confrontation with a co-worker that should never have happened. It escalated much too quickly – and I am not going to point fingers – let’s just say it should never have gotten to that point.

Her supervisor called me the next morning. It would have been better if she (the coworker) and I could have talked it over and gotten things settled. I would have preferred that and told her supervisor that.

Yesterday I received a letter from the co-worker showing me just how much she was upset by the whole thing. I admit my dander was raised by reading it and all I wanted to do was strike back. There was not much fairness in her take on the situation. The blame was fully laid at my feet. My fingers itched to type a 10 page expose on just how I felt about HER working relations with everyone up to and included George W.

So I did the prudent thing.

I went to the restroom and cried privately.

Then I typed an apology and cc’d it to her manager (as she had cc’d her letter to me) and placed them in the manager’s mail slot – where they will be picked up this morning.

Sunday evening I shared some of my hurt with a trusted friend at evening services. I didn’t tell her the whole story – well, I hadn’t gotten the letter yet, so couldn’t tell her the WHOLE story – but she just smiled her sweet smile and said . . .

Life is a lot like pancakes – no matter how thin you make them – there are always two sides.

Pretty sage words and I took them straight to heart. Maybe that is what helped me not answer the way I really wanted to answer. She had promised to pray for me, so I KNOW that helped me not answer the way I really wanted to answer.

Not sure of what – if any – repercussions there will be. There is little I can do at this point. Little except smile at this coworker the next time she comes to our building and pretend it never happened – go on from there –

Late yesterday afternoon (after all the angst and such had passed by) I finished reading the daily papers (part of the receptionist’s job, believe it or not) and came across Lynne Curry’s column. I copied it and put one in the co-worker’s manager’s mail slot. Yesterday I felt like “There! I’m just like that guy – did you ever consider that there might be stuff going on in my personal life that is causing this?”

Today as I type this I am thinking to myself “There! She’s just like that guy – Moosie, did you ever consider that there might be stuff going on in her personal life that is causing this?”


5 responses

  1. ladybug says:

    What about the other side of french toast….. *G*

  2. […] Busy Day… Busy day. No time for fun…. I will direct you to what I think is one of the most thought-provoking posts I’ve read in a while, written by the nicest person moose you will ever know… My personal thanks to the Purple Moose for saving an associate of mine that was scheduled to have his head verbally torn off his shoulders this morning. But then I read her post while I was taking a break… and decided to spare him. The Interweb Community is conspiring to make me a kinder, gentler Crazy Neighbor Lady. *sigh* […]

  3. Heather says:

    It has been my experience that the life lessons I’ve needed to learn the most were always the most painful ones!

    Thanks for the link to that article, it was a great one. Hope you find a receptionist soon!

  4. dan says:


  5. Bonnie says:

    I must remember pancakes!

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