Monthly Archives:May 2006

sigh! It’s snowing – yet again. All together now: hahahahahahaha

NOT!!! Good grief! I drove into the sister town to take a photo of the bridge reconstruction – Brookston Photo Challenge for the week is a bridge – and it was spitting rain – then it began to look white. It was chilly enough for SNAIN (SNAIN = SNOW and RAIN mixed – aka sleet, I guess) and sure enough, SNAIN we began to get.

It’s MAY, people!!!! Bring on the sun, wouldja?

ah well – tomorrow is another day.



an outside fountain

only problem is – no water yet – so, Imagine

A Fountain

Scavenger Hunt Challenge #2, Week 5 of 13
Week beginning 4.29.06
Photos Due by 5.5.06


1 pt. if the fountain is outdoors.
1 pt. if the fountain is lighted.


this is the Challenger Center fountain

dry as a bone

imagine if you will . . . . .

the ‘net is a wonderful place to make friends. Long distance friends, never met friends, perhaps, but friends nonetheless.

it is sad to bid some of them goodbye when they go – especially if they leave without saying goodbye. Faith is one whose page just disappeared on me. Tina has closed her doors and so has Jill. Ali left awhile back. Of these, Ali is the only one I’ve been privileged enough to meet.

Kitty threatens all the time that she is going to stop writing.

this sucks you guys – I want to say COME BACK . . . and yet I understand. Life gets in the way – things come up (and sometimes that’s a good thing). Life happens and so do we.

I do have snail mail addresses for you (yes, I am hoping that you still stop by from time to time to see what the moose and family are doing and so will see this note). And, yes, I know that it is sometimes pretty lean pickins from here, too.

But even when the times are rough – maybe especially when they are rough – and I find it a bit harder to write, well, I find that I still need to write – and to read. So I am thankful for those of you who are still around.

this big old internet world is changing quickly around us. But I still think of all of you as friends.

See you around, ladies. Take care of yourselves, now, y’hear? And, when you come back (because they always do, you know), drop me a note or comment here and let me know where to find you, okay?


out of the mouths of . . . .

“mom, she gots a big butt!”

embarrassed mother shushing child telling the four year old that she shouldn’t say such things and that I am owed an apology.

interesting mostly because the mama, while shorter than I am, is actually a bit bigger.

gotta love kids and their perspective. I am not the love of her life so of course I “gots a big butt.” (poor baby – I hope her mama doesn’t make her apologize for simply telling the truth as she sees it. On the other hand, rudeness should be apologized for. I will wait and see what happens.)

I am STILL acting as receptionist. Sigh. The position closes on Friday. Hopefully there will be enough resumes submitted to garner a couple of good interviewees and hopefully those will garner one very good person to train. So – who out there wants to move to Alaska? Hmmmm? The scenery is gawjus and the fishing is spectacular and the people are above nice (‘cept maybe the very honest four year olds around here – heh).

It pays $11.08 to start with bennies like health insurance and the accrual of sick leave and annual leave. And, the MOOSIE would get to train you! Come on, you know you wanna.

email me or comment and I will send you the address of the job description. 😉 I’m serious, dagnabbit!?



what’s behind the green door(s)?


I have two very good friends – sadly neither is close distance-wise. But, both of them are down to earth thinkers and generally cut through the bs to the finer points – the omg points – the let’s think this through points – that for one reason or another I generally don’t see – until they shine a light on them.

And, yet – any decisions to be made – about whatever – are mine alone to be made.

the only problem is – I have always bound my decisions up in a bundle with the people those decisions might affect. The sheer magnitude of that often stops me dead in my tracks and I am paralyzed – think deer in the headlights here. All forward motion stops. All forward thinking stops.

And so I go to bed each night and get up each morning and go through the motions again and again and yet again. Always trying to please someone and seldom pleasing myself.

this is NOT a plea for pity. this is NOT a request for questions of what is wrong. nothing is wrong. everything is wrong.

how weird it is to be 56 years old – 4 years away from 60 mind you – and not know what in the world I want to be when I grow up. What I want to do with my life – because my life has always – always – been bound up in the lives of those around me. And I would feel like such a failure if I let any of them down – if I moved one toe out of the circle they – and I – have drawn so tightly around me.



clawing my way back to the top

but who gets shredded in that clawing?

and why does it hurt so much?
