Daily Archives: June 15, 2006


A Clock ?

Scavenger Hunt Challenge #2, Week 11 of 13
Week beginning 6.10.06
Photos Due by 6.16.06


1 pt. if the clock is an outdoor clock.
3 pts. if the clock is showing the hour.
5 pts. if the clock is showing Noon (or midnight).

?I tried hard for noon – even leaving work a bit early for lunch. Howsomever . . . the drippiness of the day began to get harder and soon I was standing in a downright downpour and shivering to boot. Not to mention the camera was getting wet – dinna want that! So – it’s a moment or two BEFORE? noon.

This is our fair city’s new town clock. Posted in a place that some think is town central – but we are so spread out that there really isn’t such a thing. It’s just a way for the town criers to make themselves feel better. Crafted by students and teacher at Kenai Peninsula College, the local campus of University of Alaska Anchorage.

Those are metal salmon swimming up a metal river. Kenai is home to the Kenai River which is home to the world’s largest king salmon ever taken on rod and reel. The record King weighed in at over 97 pounds – AFTER having sat in the bed of a truck for most of the day drying out. Imagine the weight fresh off the river! It is surmised to have been well over 100 pounds. Les Anderson was the fisherman of the day – week and decade. He is gone now, but the legend lives on – as does the stuffed fish which is displayed proudly at the Soldotna Visitors Center.

There – a bit of history on our area.



Well, okay, I guess it was his friend, but still! My husband stayed out last night – late for him – until nearly midnight. T wanted to go trolling for women karaoke-ing so out they went. Oh, they asked me if I wanted to go along – at 9 p.m. (ish). Um, no. I get up at 5 a.m. (ish) so just label me a big ol party pooper.

Pooped, that is. 😉 I was in bed before 10.

Did they come in quietly? Well, I’m sure they thought they did. But we have these squeaky boards . . . great for when the daughters were teens. We always knew when they came in. Hubby pretty much knows where to step to avoid making TOO much noise – but T wasn’t quite as astute. He was still asleep this morning when I left so I don’t know if his lack of clarity was due to over imbibing or not.

So, by the time hubby was “quietly” coming to bed – right near to midnight – I was awake (dratitall!) Good moosie-wife that I am, I asked “how was your evening?” “T’s pretty good!” hubby replied. “That’s good,” I say and try to go back to sleep.

Up at 5 – work out with Bob and the folks from The Biggest Loser – shower – breakfast while reading the paper and listening to local news – leave for work. Hubby is just stirring as I leave.

He needs to get up.

He has a grandmoose to pick up for breakfast and to take to summer school.

Then he and his buddy are supposed to go to Homer to take a boat trip to Halibut Cove. It remains to be seen if this last thing gets accomplished today.

One more week of this. 😉