Well, okay, I guess it was his friend, but still! My husband stayed out last night – late for him – until nearly midnight. T wanted to go trolling for women karaoke-ing so out they went. Oh, they asked me if I wanted to go along – at 9 p.m. (ish). Um, no. I get up at 5 a.m. (ish) so just label me a big ol party pooper.

Pooped, that is. 😉 I was in bed before 10.

Did they come in quietly? Well, I’m sure they thought they did. But we have these squeaky boards . . . great for when the daughters were teens. We always knew when they came in. Hubby pretty much knows where to step to avoid making TOO much noise – but T wasn’t quite as astute. He was still asleep this morning when I left so I don’t know if his lack of clarity was due to over imbibing or not.

So, by the time hubby was “quietly” coming to bed – right near to midnight – I was awake (dratitall!) Good moosie-wife that I am, I asked “how was your evening?” “T’s pretty good!” hubby replied. “That’s good,” I say and try to go back to sleep.

Up at 5 – work out with Bob and the folks from The Biggest Loser – shower – breakfast while reading the paper and listening to local news – leave for work. Hubby is just stirring as I leave.

He needs to get up.

He has a grandmoose to pick up for breakfast and to take to summer school.

Then he and his buddy are supposed to go to Homer to take a boat trip to Halibut Cove. It remains to be seen if this last thing gets accomplished today.

One more week of this. 😉

2 responses

  1. AkMotleyGal says:

    They should have a fun trip if they get here today- light sprinkles but seems to be dead calm. Hope they enjoy themselves. Have a great day Nana Moosie!!

  2. moosie says:

    naw – they chickened out – stepped out the door into a light sprinkle – said it was cold and “pouring”. It didn’t start to pour until noon-thirty, so I have no clue what to do with ’em. cheechakers, they are – both of ’em


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