and I’m awfully glad that I’m home. The conference itself was good. The trip home was good. But the getting there? Not so great.

I know! You are going to wonder about traveling with me. I might warn  you  off  any thoughts of doing so – at least I would if I believed in “luck” – bad or otherwise. :moose:

I had decided to drive back and forth to Anchorage this trip – mostly because I really dislike the little puddle jumpers. That and the fact that it would save the paying entity some money. Even with the mileage check to drive a bit over 300 miles it is less than the RT airfare. And, I figure that every little bit helps.

So, after church Sunday I grabbed my suitcase and some lunch and headed out to the big city. Visited with a friend for a few hours until she just couldn’t stay awake any longer. Set an alarm and then, of course, stayed mostly awake until just before it went off. Freshened up and drove to the airport parking garage.

Called and left messages on hubbie’s and ladybug’s phones on the location of the car – ladybug and her hubby were flying in later that morning and would pick up my car to do their business and then drive it back to small town USA.

Checked in for my flight to Chicago. Yup, Chicago. Now, the flight out that far was fine and dandy. I had the entire row to myself for most of the flight and then a very nice older woman asked to sit with me so she could be more comfy. No problem and we had a nice chat as we approached O’Hare.

Upon landing I had to zip from one terminal to another to meet the smaller commuter flight – I had three hours to get there – no problem. Made it in plenty of time. Only to be greeted by a very full waiting room of disgruntled passengers. Seems that several flights out of Chicago were not flying – or were delayed – or, or, or, any number of excuses.

I still was upbeat. After all, my flight was only delayed for an hour. Then it was another hour. Then it was still another hour. About every half hour my flight departure time was moved back and back and back yet again. I made several calls to the hotel to let them know I was going to be late. I didn’t want a repeat of Vegas where there was no room in the inn for me. 

My original departure time was 6:25 pm. At 10 pm we were the very last group of people left in that terminal. Several had managed to find other flights on other airlines. Many had given up and found hotels or gone back home. There were about 20 of us left – including two flight attendants who were flying to Nashville in order to work a shift the following day. I had a great time visiting with them.

Because I had a lot of time to do so.

At 10:30 we were ushered upstairs to a different gate having been told we would leave promptly at 11:10. It wasn’t long before we watched the electric board change yet again . . . and still again. Each time it changed to a later hour the groans went up. I actually felt bad for the gate agents, but they were trying so hard and answering so many questions, and generally putting a good face on it all. Bless their hearts – I have NO problem with any of them.

At one point I called the travel agent’s office and left a long rambling teary (nearly sobbing actually) message telling him to “never, NEVER send anyone through Chicago on bleep (name deleted to protect the GUILTY! – but available upon request) (name deleted to protect the GUILTY! – but available upon request) airline again.” I told him that we were scheduled to leave at 11:10. In actuality we left at 12:45 am Tuesday morning. It’s a two hour flight, people!!!

When we saw that plane pulling into the gate we stood up en masse and cheered and waved the pilot into the gate – the look on his face! priceless. Then we discovered that it was the gate agent’s birthday and he had had a rough day with us – so I led the group in singing to him. (I know – I’m truly pathetic) We cheered, we boarded, we departed. Yay!

And then bizarro world began in earnest.

There was a pilot dead-heading on our flight. He was in the row ahead of me – across the aisle from me. Even before we left the ground he had fallen asleep and was gently snoring. Suddenly evilwomaningreen across the aisle from him – in the row ahead of me – began shaking his seat and pulling at his arm rest and prodding him – trying to wake him up.

I couldn’t stand it – I finally reached my hand through the seats and poked her in the left shoulder and said “Let him alone!” She looked back at me and said “he’s snoring!” I said “so what? He probably has to fly tomorrow.” She said “I can’t sleep!” I said “It’s only two hours flight” She whined “I have to work tomorrow.” I snapped “so do I!”

Childish all around, I know. But she stopped poking at the poor man. And I felt much better about that. :moose:

We arrived in Nashville to a totally quiet and dark airport. There was hardly anyone around. And, that includes taxi cabs. It was extremely humid and my hair immediately began to drip water – I kid you not. It was wet in seconds. And, I was mopping my brow. Where are those paper fans when you need ’em. :moose:

I began digging through my bag to find the hotel’s number. I was going to call them to ask them to send a taxi to the airport. Someone else beat me to it – she’d had the same idea and found her number first. Soon there were four cabs and we divvied up according to the area we were heading. Actually the first three taxi passengers did that. My taxi didn’t show up until they had all pulled away.

The driver immediately began berating me (!!!) “Why are you so late?” “Erm, that’s a great question, sir. I’m not too happy about it either.” “Where are THEY going?” as he gestured toward the other cabs. “I don’t know, sir. I asked if anyone else was going to my hotel and they said no.” “Why are you so late?”

We finally made it to the hotel – to the tune of $22 – and there was only a security guard at the desk. He found someone to come and check me in – at 3:30 in the morning – and I left a 7 am wake up call quipping that it was going to come awfully early.

And it did.

This is going to be a multi-part post, too. But, friends, it DOES get better. I promise. In the meantime feel free to laugh among yourselves. And, know this . . . my hooves are planted squarely and firmly on the ground for a bit.

Unless of course someone else invites me to attend a conference at their expense.


3 responses

  1. Lessa says:

    Awwwwwww, poor Mama Moosie! I am glad you made that mean lady quit though! I’d much rather have a well rested pilot then wtf-ever she does! (I assume she doesn’t fly because, hello! then she would have understood!)

  2. Heather says:

    Oh geez… :dizzy: I fee kinda sorry for anyone who has to fly with you! 😮 🙄 😆

    I am glad you are home… now. Did you learn anything new?

  3. DragonFly says:

    :dragonfly: Momma bear it sounds as if it was a tireing first night. But wow…. You were nice to the meanladyingreen. I would’hv made a much bigger deal than you did. But I am mean that way. I am glad you nicely asked her to quit.

    Looking forward to the next part. 8)

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