just busy, busy, busy.

Master I bug (aka buglet, aka bugget) – Ladybug’s youngest – had his shopping day with Nana and Paw-Paw on Sunday. He has been waiting 9 long weeks. You have never seen a little guy soooooo excited as he was when we picked him up.

My turn, my turn! He ran to his Mama and jumped up and down and stomped his little feet. My turn, my turn! Awww, he missed me. :moose:

He was pretty picky with what he wanted for lunch. We generally just do the deli with him – get him some chicken strips and mac and cheese. Got some “jo-jo’s” (like steak fries) this time because he was quite vocal about them. Then, of course, he didn’t want to eat them. He also did not want to get out of the grocery cart – he had chosen one of the race car carts – long enough to eat, so I fed him while he sat like the princeling he is – high above everyone in his immediate domain. 

We accomplished the shopping in pretty short order – interspersed with bathroom trips for the youngling. He went with Paw-Paw first, but was unsuccessful. (not sure, but I think Paw-Paw’s are not as patient – or as insistent – as Nanas) Our trip was a great success – complete with the young man proudly crowing all through the store aisles about his need to POOP! And, then the chorus continued as he sang while accomplishing the deed – My poop – my poopie – ungh! – I pooping, Nana. I DONE! Well, one can only laugh.

Groceries in the cart and bathroom duties accomplished it was time for the toy aisle.

We have always had to help pick out the toy for this one – he’s been shopping with us since he was about 6 months old – well, I can’t recall for sure how old he was, but he was just sitting up and able to be away from Mama for a wee time. So, Paw-Paw delighted in finding the noisiest, most garish toy he could for the boy to take home – where he could annoy his parents – heh.

This time? We went down the appropriate aisle and he crowed Mah truck!mahtruck.JPG And, he reached out his chubby little hands to grab it. He found the buttons and as we walked towards the checkout lines everyone could hear his delight . . . dee dee deedle dee dee dee – imagine the circus music interspersed with a lion’s roar and an elephant’s squeal along with bugget’s delighted crow.

Yes, it is so much fun to be a Nana in Alaska.

3 responses

  1. ladybug says:

    Awwwwwwwwwww……… He even slept with the truck that night. what am I saying….? He has Slept with it EVERY NIGHT….

    You know I was shopping with him the few days before… and he saw that truck and a little boy playing with it down the line… he asked if he could have it and I being the HORRABLE MEAN mommie that I am … told him no…. so I think he had it all lined out for you …. LOL… they learn SO FAST! :dragonfly:

  2. mary lou says:

    He has his Nana pegged huh? 😉

  3. Heather says:

    Huh, Mary Lou. We Nanas are true suckers… 😀 :s

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