One of our Board members, and a writing compatriot, came into work yesterday and told me she really liked my poem. Oh? I asked. You know, the one in Alaska Women Speak (that website is TERRIBLY outdated, btw).

I hadn’t been able to check my mail yet, but was pleased to get the current magazine when I came home. They had held a contest for this issue – subject for poems “Brisk” – first line for articles/stories “A brisk wind blew . . . ” Entries were in several categories – poems of one line, 3 lines, 14-18 lines, etc. I sent in a 3 line poem and it was the only one they published of that length. There were several other poems published, however, of varying lengths. They also published the 98 word piece I wrote (categories were 0-100 words, 100-200 words, etc.)

The judging team, however, was out of state at publishing time, so we won’t know the winners until next issue (winter issue), but this is giving them a chance to open the judging to the readers – with a couple of extra winning categories – crowd favorites, so to speak.

I really enjoy writing for AWS – they print most of what I send them, not all, but most. It is such a great venue for Alaska women writers. There is no pay, of course, as it is a non-profit entity. They do sometimes send an extra copy, but not always. Not this time.

My aunt in Ohio even subscribes because she says she likes to see my stuff in print – but she also enjoys the writing of the other women featured in the magazine. As do I. It is a nice, well-rounded, well-versed group of women and I am thrilled to be considered a part of them.

In other writing news, I did three interviews for the column today. All younger folks – two 18 year olds and one 16 year old. And, the coming week’s interview is a 16 year old. Looks like I am going to have to go out and find some old fogies like me, now. Heh.


guys – you might not want to go to the following link – and if you do, I warned you, okay?

And – in other news – have you women ever considered just how much money you spend on and landfills you fill with monthly feminine products? Meredith writes of alternatives. Good information. Sorry it has come too late for this old moose. No, not really sorry at all. I am  THRILLED to be past all that. Yay!

one responses

  1. Lessa says:

    – checking the wordpress upgrade to be sure I didn’t break it.

    So far so good. *g* 😆

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