I am going in to work an hour or so late today – the agency has its monthly board meeting tonight and, as we are saying goodbye to a very hard working board member who we hate to see leave, I am attending the meeting. Boss reminds us all that said attendance is to be on “company time” so I have to adjust it early in the day.

There will be cake.

When I leave that party I will be going to evening prayer services at my church. Afterwards we are having a goodbye party for one of our young men who is leaving Sunday for the Marines. We wish him Godspeed and all good health while he is gone. And, yes

there will be cake.

Somewhere in between I need to get some FOOD into me – to offset all that sugar – because we all know that I will eat some – because, after all

there will be cake.

erp! ‘scuse me. Have a wonderful day, everyone.


2 responses

  1. Lessa says:

    WHOO! Cake for Dinner!

  2. dan says:

    I’m thinkin’ some smoked turkey would be good in the middle of all that…

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