So, Lisa is doing it

and Faith is doing it

(bet you thought I was gonna say I am doing it – nope)

Lessa is writing about Survivor for her share:

Okay, Survivor fans . . . Go on over and hit her – okay? Every time you read one of her 451 Press posts she will receive a share of the advertising monies. And, you don’t even need to buy anything. How cool is that.

So, while I have never (NEVER!! the horror) watched a Survivor episode, I am having a great deal of fun reading my daughter’s snarkiness about Survivor. You’ll enjoy it, too. Links below:

Survivor Fiji, Survivor Fiji, Episode 2, Episode 3, Sylvia, Leader or Bossy?, How do I love thee?, It’s Survivor Day!, Episode 4 recap, Papa Smurf update, Survivor Live, Dinner Impossible, Monday, Survivor Style, and Sneaky Peeks.

I’m sure there are more to follow.