The Boy is home, Lessa writes. More on that after he wakes up, I’m sure.I just got a ahug from the boy who came to see me bearing a gift. A keychain featuring the Eiffel Tower. All together now . . . awwwwwwwwwwwwww


 Hey, all you crafty folks out there – please go over and read my entry today at Knitting Passion about keeping our veterans warm. Thanks.


C-Span (or as I first typed it, C-Spam) – I have never sat through any part of a congressional hearing before, but flipping through channels this morning I was mesmerized by Lurita Doan of the GSA (General Services Administration). The proceedings were extremely interesting – and quite addictive.

The sad thing that I find about our government and those who are in charge of governing us – the congress – is that they canNOT do it for beans without belittling one another and those who have given up lucrative jobs/professions in the same workaday world that you and I survive in for a JOB that pays, overall, a lot less.

Party lines and questioning tactics are divided right down the middle it seems.  

But on BOTH sides there is a lack of respect that I find particularly discouraging and sad. I remember taking part in mock debates in grade school – and later in high school (yes, there are times when I can remember that far back in ancient history). We were impassioned about our subjects and we studied hard for the debates. Maybe it was because I attended a catholic school and the women in the long black dresses ruled with an iron fist, but we were ALWAYS respectful of our opponents.

As one of the congresswomen stated today (the proceedings were taped from Wednesday, btw) – and I’m sorry, but I cannot recall her name – “there has been so much yelling that I thought a gentle voice would have been appreciated.” This after both Ms. Doan and the Chairman requested her to speak more loudly or directly into the mic.

Her questions were pointed and not in Ms. Doan’s favor, BUT she was respectful and succinct in them. Quite unlike most of the democratic congressMEN who asked questions.

I found myself wondering if one of them was a batterer – or if he had a batterer mentality – from the way he hammered and did not allow the witness to answer the question. He was quite belittling.

Anyway – I am not saying this to be political at any cost – I am merely saying that I think a whole lot more flies can be caught with sugar than vinegar – and that we should each try – TRY – to be respectful of other folks, no matter whether we trust, believe, or even like them.

I googled this before I came here and found a site I will NOT link to – you can find it if you like on your own – and most of the comments referred to personality traits of Ms. Doan or pointedly disparaged her (choose one) femininity, sexual attractiveness, or other physcal traits – instead of discussing the merits of what was said

It’s a sad day, in my opinion, that we cannot be respectful adults. Even in our own – or other folks – webspace.