The first of the year – miles that is – okay, I know that it is only a portion of ONE mile, but a gal’s gotta start SOMEWHERE, right? Right.

The distance from my work place to the highway (or what passes for a highway in Kenai, Alaska) is .3 mile. That means the return trip is another .3 (add a teensy bit for crossing the road twice so as to face oncoming traffic). And, that is the distance I walked today. Ouch! my hips – well, the outside tops of my thighs – HURT! My lower back complained, too.

This pain is why I quit walking after the car accident two summers ago. But quitting walking has just allowed me to pile back on all the weight I had lost. Ugh!

I figure if I take it easy – don’t push for time or distance – sooner rather than later I will be able to not only walk this road, but be able to make a turn at the highway and head either north or south. That’s the way I figure. We’ll see what happens in reality. I’ve done it before so . . . hang in there with me, okay?

In other news:

I put in my resume for the job opening at work today. The position will be open for two weeks, so I won’t know until after the 16th if I will even be interviewed. My boss is great – she usually grants at least courtesy interviews. So, we’ll see.

On a GOOD note, however . . . today she called me in to tell me that one of our trainers for the big semi-annual workshop we hold will be unable to present. She asked if I would be able to do both of her portions. Are we seeing an opportunity here? Of course I said yes. That person will meet with me next week to go over the presentation. It’ll be fine. 😯

one responses

  1. bb says:

    Barbara my hurting hips was what helped them find the cyst in my spine. Causing of course spinal stenosis. My biggest fear is gaining weight and unfortunately my pool time I’ve cut lately.

    I know what you mean about pain when walking.

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