well, one thing for sure:

DO NOT drink a tall iced mocha at 5 pm – if you want to sleep that night, that is. 😉

I’m sure I’ll feel tired in a minute – but I dare not even try to go to sleep yet – because the neighbors (who apparently sleep ALL DAY LONG) are outside with their stereo cranked up – the stereo is in the trunk of the wife’s corvette – they’re weird.

Okay – we’re probably all a little weird to someone else, right? Right!

thing 2 – we’re never as free to write (about anything) as other people think we should be – or as we think we should be – no matter what some published author says. heh

What I’ve been working on tonight – instead of thinking about any of the above:


Aren’t they cute? Here’s something to show you just how little they are – look at them next to a child’s size sock.


You can read about why I am knitting these tiny socks over at Knitting Passion.

I think I am going to run away to Anchorage Saturday to visit a friend. It has just been THAT kind of week. Hope you all have a wondermous weekend!

one responses

  1. Ladybug says:

    I wish that I could knit at this point. what a neat cause that you are doing this for. I have been sharing it around my house this week. There are a few from out of state that may be doing this for her as well. I am excited to see the love be shared and spread. :dragonfly:

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