When hubby and I visited Hawaii and Ali (hello, Ali, wherever you are!) for our 35th anniversary three years ago we were amused at the directions we received from nearly everyone . . . . “keep going, keep going . . .” and eventually we would find what we were looking for. It works – so don’t break it you see.

So, on Labor Day we did some honey-dos, which included purchasing a new mattress set for our bed. We’ve had the old one for much too long (it’s at LEAST 15 years old!) and we are beyond the time we should have replaced it. It’s so nice – thank you hubby moose.

Afterwards we decided to take a bit of a drive. Hubby wasn’t set on any particular place – he quipped that the last decision he had made (the drive to the mattress store) had cost a lot of money so he wasn’t going to choose the next one. haha. (it works because I was driving)

So I set off towards Anchorage – not meaning to go the whole way – because it is too long a trip to take that late in the day when you have to be at work early the next morning. We stopped in Cooper Landing to get a bottle of water and headed back home.

Only I turned left at the first road – to see the Cooper Landing Post Office ostensibly. Except that it was RIGHT THERE! after the turn and I was still not ready to head home. So – we drove Hawaii style – we kept going and kept going . . . up and up and up Snug Harbor Road until we ran out of pavement and kept going until we ran out of open road. The big yellow gate was closed and we could go no further.

The glimpses we caught of Kenai Lake along the road made a gorgeous vista – as did the following (name unknown to us – but we think it is part of the Russian Lakes system):


Can we just say “Wow!”? I knew we could.

Hubby swore that we had driven at least 25 miles back – but on measuring it coming back it was only 12 miles. 😉 The gravel made it a bit teeth chattering, though. And . . . we were the only car on the road. All of the rest of the vehicles were either trucks or SUVs. Big chickens!

We did not realize how HIGH we had gone – we knew we had been driving UP, but . . . it wasn’t until we turned around to come back DOWN that we realized that we had traveled UP the ENTIRE way! Hardly had to touch the gas pedal at all coming back. Could almost have put the car into neutral and coasted down.

Turned left again before we got to the highway to check out the new senior citizen housing at the top of yet another hill. WOW! They have a gorgeous view of the mountains and Kenai Lake. Wonder how long their waiting list is . . . and how much it costs . . . heh.

(someday I’ll retire you know)

So – how was YOUR labor day?

Hey – don’t forget to check out my other blogginess:

Knitting Passion and Diabetes Health Talk. Come on by and say hello.