Okay – it’s been over a week now . . . and what with going back to work and all that I am just now getting around to talking about what I did LAST Sunday.

Younger daughter took part in the first (hopefully to be an annual event) Tri-the-Kenai triathlon. She went in seeded 6th, so was able to be one of the first people in the pool for the 500 yard swim.

Left to right – Jenn (yellow cap) showing her game face at the start – just hanging around; she made a deep start – the blue arrow is pointing at her; and showing a good stroke despite an injured left shoulder.

She had a respectable showing in her age group with a time of 9:21.3 in the swim.

Next came biking . . .

bike transition: heading out for the bike portion: coming back in after a 10 mile loop through heavy tourist traffic, road construction, narrow roadway with twists and turns and, oh yeah . . . HILLS!

33:40.1 was her official time for the bike portion.

After that she was headed for the Tsalteshi Trail portion of the course for a 5 kilometer run. That was twice around the track – with a huge hill at the begiining and a more sloping, still huge hill halfway through. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on the trail, so I’m not sure what else she faced back in the woods.

After the transition she’s off across the field and up the first hill . . . then after the second lap she is headed home. Third picture shows her still with a great stride. Way to go, Jenn! Time for the run portion was 34:02.7.

It took a lot out of her, though. TAT had gone out to the car when she was on her second lap and brought back two oranges for her. He knew mama’s sugar levels would be low . . . and he was right. We tried to let her alone so she could recover at her own speed . . . she chowed right into the orange:

Total lapsed time for the race was 1:17:04.1 which gave her 13th place overall and SECOND place in her age group (35-39). It was a great way to spend the day. Thanks for inviting me to be part of it, Jenn.