Monday was Labor Day . . . and a holiday for me. It was Lessa’s Saturday so she had the day off. School was out for the holiday so Peppermist had the day free as well. We left the Pup home with hubbymoose (they made chicken soup together) and headed for Anchorage.

The store where we wanted to shop was closed . . . for the holiday (ack!) but we made the rounds of Jacque Penne’ and Nordy’s as well as wally-world and a big box book store. Those stops were productive – as in taking quite a bit of our hard-earned moolah.

But it was the getting there and the coming home that was the most fun – as per usual. My daughter is so like me – and her daughter is so like her . . . it was like being in a car full of triplets.

Can’t tell WE’re related, can you? Above pictures were taken at a pullout in Cooper Landing by Kenai Lake.

We spent a lot of time stopping and taking pictures. Lessa plans to do the girls’ school pics at wally’s this year. Says she can get the same packages for a lot less. Way to go!

We had a great time – laughed ourselves silly. Sang and watched for “YELLOW CAR – YELLOW TRUCK – YELLOW BUS – YELLOW TRACTOR” along the roads. In Peppermist’s words, “6 year old games are best!” Zaiah taught hubbymoose and me the game Saturday.

My favorite, I think, of Peppermist:

Lessa and I are headed back to Anchorage Friday. I scored a 4 day weekend and plan to enjoy it. We will meet up with a fellow knitter while in a-town – a woman visiting from Ireland. Looking forward to it.

(yes, there will likely be more pictures)

one responses

  1. Jill says:

    Such beautiful smiles on the whole crew. It’s days like this that make the tough days worthwhile. xoxo.

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